Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Getting back into the swing of things

I haven't blogged for a long time. It has been hard for me to return to "normal" life since my accident, but as time goes on things are coming together. So here I go. We went to Branson, MO in September to attend the Roy Rogers/Dale Evans Roundup which is their annual fund raiser for the museum. It is the first I have been able to attend since the accident 4 years ago. It was so nice to be back there although the last time I had been to one the museum was in Victorville, CA. Enjoyed seeing the new museum and the "new" things they had on display as it is a bigger building than the previous one. We took the private tour through the museum with Dusty (Roy Rogers, Jr) and learned a lot of things----learned new and heard again what I already knew. But Dusty, his son Dustin Roy Rogers and the rest of the family are doing a fantastic job of keeping Roy and Dale's memory alive along with their love of God, family togetherness, morality, etc. However the Rogers family is struggling to keep the museum going in this economic mess we are in at this time. I am trying to help spread the word to everyone I know to try to get people to joining the museum as members and help keep this afloat. Our young people need to hear about these values and those that go through the museum will do so. Dusty has a band and they give daily shows in the museum's theater and you can see the love for his parents, his love for his saviour, family unity, etc. It is just a magnificent thing to witness. Anyone reading this, please go to http://www.royrogers.com and see what the museum is all about and maybe you will want to join the membership. Or give a donation. Every penny helps keep the museum open! Thank you and God bless you.